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grandmasternanlu's Youtube SummarySource: Trackalytics
id Date Subscribers - (change) Views - (change) Videos - (change)
1 May 8, 2020 3,460 - (0) 483,101 - (+79) 96 - (0)
2 May 7, 2020 3,460 - (+10) 483,022 - (+93) 96 - (0)
3 May 6, 2020 3,450 - (0) 482,929 - (+119) 96 - (0)
4 May 5, 2020 3,450 - (0) 482,810 - (+130) 96 - (0)
5 May 4, 2020 3,450 - (+10) 482,680 - (+141) 96 - (0)
6 May 3, 2020 3,440 - (0) 482,539 - (+169) 96 - (0)
7 May 2, 2020 3,440 - (0) 482,370 - (+109) 96 - (0)
8 May 1, 2020 3,440 - (0) 482,261 - (+112) 96 - (0)
9 April 30, 2020 3,440 - (+10) 482,149 - (+92) 96 - (0)
10 April 29, 2020 3,430 - (0) 482,057 - (+130) 96 - (0)
11 April 28, 2020 3,430 - (0) 481,927 - (+107) 96 - (0)
12 April 27, 2020 3,430 - (0) 481,820 - (+115) 96 - (0)
13 April 26, 2020 3,430 - (0) 481,705 - (+127) 96 - (0)
14 April 25, 2020 3,430 - (0) 481,578 - (+156) 96 - (0)
15 April 24, 2020 3,430 - (+10) 481,422 - (+215) 96 - (0)
16 April 23, 2020 3,420 - (0) 481,207 - (+154) 96 - (0)
17 April 22, 2020 3,420 - (0) 481,053 - (+134) 96 - (0)
18 April 21, 2020 3,420 - (0) 480,919 - (+145) 96 - (0)
19 April 20, 2020 3,420 - (+10) 480,774 - (-60) 96 - (0)
20 April 19, 2020 3,410 - (0) 480,834 - (+298) 96 - (0)
21 April 18, 2020 3,410 - (0) 480,536 - (+93) 96 - (0)
22 April 17, 2020 3,410 - (0) 480,443 - (0) 96 - (0)

grandmasternanlu Grandmasternanlu

  • Subscribers total: 3,460
  • Subscribers today: 0
  • Views total: 483,101
  • Views today: 79
  •  Videos total: 96
  •  Videos today: 0
  • Page views: 278
  • Last Updated: November 8,2021
  • Time tracked: 22 Days

I believe modern-day life is complicated and many people are searching for ways to make changes. Some people focus on the body looking for different diets or exercise routines. Some struggle to shift their thinking, shift their beliefs hoping to find emotional balance; while others look to touch the Spiritual realm and understand life's purpose. No matter what, we still need the physical body to take us through the different stages of life. But once a physical issue appears, all strength disappears and the mind takes over. Fears sets in. We don't trust the body's wisdom to heal. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has understood the connection and need for balance in the body, mind, spirit relationship. We can use these teachings still today. We have to work on simple ways to begin making shifts in our reality. My goal is to share these teachings and help you discover your personal freedom.